Shari Scott and Nina Biermann
TLC North Shore Manhasset coordinator, Shari Scott, along with fellow TLC member Nina Biermann, held a Prematurity Awareness gathering on November 13th in the family room at the North Shore Manhasset campus of LIJ.
November is prematurity awareness month. World Prematurity day is November 17th. Parents who attended were informed that the Empire State Building and Niagra Falls will be bathed in purple light in honor of World Prematurity day on November 17th. Parents made prematurity awareness ribbons and decorated them with stickers, words and pictures of their choice. Purple awareness ribbon chocolates were also crafted along with chocolate covered Oreos for the event.
Stories about the TLC member’s own personal NICU experiences were shared with the new parents as well. It was a nice diversion and fun time for all. The TLC looks forward to meeting other parents and engaging in some more fun activities. If interested, please contact us at info@tenderlc.com or fill out the contact form here.
For more information about premature birth, please visit this informative page on the CDC website.